The pressure on cryptocurrencies had eased during the past few days, following a few weeks of massive underperformance. At the time of writing, the global market cap stands at $184 billion, up $20 billion since 24 hours ago. Although the coronavirus outbreak did not change at all, global financial markets
Latest Crypto and the Market News by Crypto Frontline
The US branch of the popular Binance exchange announced on March 15th that Tezos (XTZ) will be listed and available for trading starting at 09:00 am EST / 6:00 pm PST. The announcement listed on talks about the Binance.US users’ ability to start depositing USD, BUSD, or XTZ to
On March 10th, 2020, Standard Chartered, the London-headquartered bank, announced its decision to join TradeLens, a global blockchain shipping platform developed by IBM in partnership with Maersk, a Danish logistics giant. It represents the first bank to join the trade platform and the move could provide some important advantages, as
The imagination of cryptocurrency developers seems to have no boundaries, and the latest CoronaCoin token is proof of that. More specifically, now we have a digital coin that allows traders to bet on the coronavirus epidemic, based on the people that get infected. Before we get to talk about it,
Although way behind Bitcoin in terms of market cap, Ether had continued to consolidate its second position, with $28 billion in market cap at the time of writing. The token is then followed by XRP with $12 billion but given the wide margin, we can say that it continues to
Still one of the top cryptocurrency exchanges in the world, Binance continues to remain a leading figure in the industry, with $2.7 billion in adjusted daily volume according to the latest figures. The exchange made an impressive move at the end of 2017, when it launched an ICO platform called
Although 2020 will mark the third recorded halving for Bitcoin, there are a few Bitcoin forks that will go through a similar process. Bitcoin Cash SV, Bitcoin Cash ABC, and Bitcoin Gold are the main tokens that will see the rewards cut in half before Bitcoin, a reason that might
Ethereum futures could be launching soon, according to Heath Tarbert, the Chairman of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) which spoke during an interview with Bloomberg. The agency had been involved in the cryptocurrency and blockchain industry since some of the companies had been issuing tokens that could be labeled
This could turn out to be another positive day for cryptocurrencies, even though global financial markets are currently under pressure, mainly due to the new Chinese coronavirus epidemic. At the end of 2019, we’ve highlighted that the crypto market had not been favored by increased flows into the stock markets
The World Economic Forum that took place in Davos, Switzerland had not been completely negative for cryptocurrencies. Even though Ray Dalio talked about Bitcoin in not too optimistic terms, the surprise came from the chief executive of Ripple Labs, the US-based company that stands behind XRP. Currently, the third-largest cryptocurrency