Cryptocurrencies had taken a tumble in the past week, as market sentiment deteriorated again. Global financial markets had been rattled in recent days, as the bond markets are beginning to ring recession signals. Both US and UK yield curves had inverted, a phenomenon not seen since 2007 and 2008, respectively.
Latest Crypto and the Market News by Crypto Frontline
The cryptocurrency market continues to be subdued following the latest Facebook earnings releases, where the company talked about one of its latest ambitious projects – Libra. Even though it expects to launch its first stablecoin and digital currency wallet in 2020, the latest surge of regulatory concerns about the project
Since mid-December 2018 to mid-June 2019, Litecoin had a pretty impressive run, surging from $22 per token towards $144 on the Coinbase exchange, as speculation around the next halving process begun early. Most of the major cryptocurrencies dropped on renewed regulatory concerns recently, but LTC saw its price dipping from
All major cryptocurrencies had come under heavy pressure since July 14th, as a new flow of concerns related to regulation had made market participants reconsider how they value digital tokens. Bitcoin, Ether, and Litecoin are just a few of the large-cap cryptocurrencies with losses higher than 15% for the past
Although Ether continues to be the main competitor of Bitcoin in terms of market cap and despite the fact that Ethereum is the leading platform for blockchain-based applications using smart contracts, developers and researchers working have great plans for the years to come. We’ve seen recently how the Ethereum Foundation
A recent report published on IMF’s blog revealed some interesting and startling trends that emerged in the near future and cryptocurrencies had been one of the topics involved. Called “Five Facts on FinTech”, the survey showed how fintech “offers the chance to boost economic growth and expand financial inclusion in
LedgerX announced on June 25th on its Twitter account that it had received approval from the Commodities Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) to trade physical-delivery Bitcoin derivatives. “We are approved to open up #bitcoin derivatives trading to retail investors! Official Order of Designation by the United States of America.” The announcement
It seems like one of the hottest topics in June remains the rumored Facebook project to launch its own cryptocurrency project. We’ve talked several weeks ago about the probability of Facebook launching a stablecoin and in the meantime, new information had been leaked to the press. Even though the big
When we talk about the crypto industry, Warren Buffett is perhaps one of the strongest critics of digital money. Not once he made his view on Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies public and there’s wasn’t any positive mention among them. Yet, it seems like one of the most influential people
The famous encrypted instant messaging service has made an important step towards the implementation of its ambitious project and released a test client for its TON (Telegram Open Network), with all the files being available on In the first quarter of 2018, Telegram had been under huge media