Crypto Frontline

Latest ICO News Provided by Crypto Frontline

    ICOs Market Keeps Warming, and Nothing Seems to Get in Its Way

ICOs Market Keeps Warming, and Nothing Seems to Get in Its Way

4.8 out of 5

You have heard what bitcoin is. You know that it is already making noise in the market nowadays and people’s interest about what it is and what it does continues to grow. Bitcoin futures already made its debut on Wall Street, and this provides a clear sign of cryptocurrencies making

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    ICO Scams- A Safety Guide for the Enthusiast Investor

ICO Scams- A Safety Guide for the Enthusiast Investor

4.8 out of 5

You have surely heard about virtual money or any related term like Bitcoins and cryptocurrencies. One of the fast-moving mediums to raise funds that you can use as a virtual coin miner is ICOs. You can use them to make your earnings grow depending on their protocols ICOs have opened

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    What Are the 5 Biggest Initial Coin Offerings of 2017?

What Are the 5 Biggest Initial Coin Offerings of 2017?

4.8 out of 5

Initial Coin Offerings or ICOs massively boomed in 2017. It made more and more entrepreneur and cryptocurrency enthusiasts find the easiest medium to fund their buying and selling of Bitcoins. ICOs have been the newest trend in collecting and spending funds easily. Here is the updated report about the top

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    Meet MobileCoin- A cryptocurrency created by the Signal founder

Meet MobileCoin- A cryptocurrency created by the Signal founder

4.8 out of 5

The newly announced cr yptocurrencyby Moxie Marlinspike, the brain behind Signal, is an E2E encrypted messaging application. This latest virtual currency promises not only fixed, fast, and improved transactions, but also cheaperones as compared to other virtual currency competitors. The demand for Bitcoin is rapidly growing. It was recently reported

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    ICO – Initial Coin Offering

ICO – Initial Coin Offering

4.1 out of 5

Initial Coin Offering or ICO is a tool very similar to crowdfunding or crowd investment, which is conducted entirely on the blockchain. At the beginning, the idea of an ICO was to facilitate the access to funding for new projects by pre-selling coins/tokens to investors interested in the project. How

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