Crypto Frontline

Bitcoin Info News Articles by Crypto Frontline

    Is Goldman Sachs Interested in Bitcoin?

Is Goldman Sachs Interested in Bitcoin?

4.8 out of 5

Another good news for Bitcoin comes from the United States. It seems like Goldman Sachs, one of the biggest investment banks in the world, is looking to open the first Bitcoin trading operation on Wall Street, as CNBC had been reporting on May 3rd 2018. This move surprises the financial

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    Bitcoin and Blockchain Now Explained for Kids

Bitcoin and Blockchain Now Explained for Kids

4.8 out of 5

As the blockchain technology continues to grow in popularity, what people realize is that a strong level of education is required so that people will be able to integrate this technology successfully in their lives. One man who came with an unconventional and possibly brilliant idea is Brett Biery, who

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    Amazon Receives Bitcoin-Related Patent

Amazon Receives Bitcoin-Related Patent

Even though the SEC looks like the toughest regulator when it comes to cryptocurrencies, that does not mean there is no interest from American companies for the most popular cryptocurrency – Bitcoin. People are asking themselves if Bitcoin could rally in the second half of 2018 and thus far, things

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    Bank of America Talks about the Bitcoin Bubble

Bank of America Talks about the Bitcoin Bubble

4.8 out of 5

There had a rough debate whether the Bitcoin price was a bubble and a team of researchers from Bank of America Merril Lynch had recently published a note where they compare the biggest bubbles in the recorded history. Although there are many similarities, you will find in the next rows

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    Could Bitcoin Rally in the Second Half of 2018?

Could Bitcoin Rally in the Second Half of 2018?

4.8 out of 5

This is a serious question, especially for those who invested in Bitcoin at the end of 2017. At that time, the price of Bitcoin quadrupled and then slumped impulsively, from almost 20,000 towards 6,000. Even though a rebound of 100% had taken from the lows, the price had encountered resistance

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    Is Bitcoin Really Dead?

Is Bitcoin Really Dead?

4.8 out of 5

After an astonishing performance in 2017, that culminated with a strong spike from mid-November towards the beginning of January, when the price of Bitcoin surged 400%, almost reaching the 20,000 figure on the Coinbase exchange, things had changed dramatically, Those days of high returns and market euphoria seem to be

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    Bitcoin Up 23% from the Lows

Bitcoin Up 23% from the Lows

4.8 out of 5

Since Sunday, March 18th, 2018 the Bitcoin price had managed to recover a significant amount. In our last weekly crypto analysis, which had been published on Sunday, we’ve talked about the potential for a recovery, as the Bitcoin price had reached a key ascending trend line. There was also some

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    The Bitcoin Dip Breaks Investors’ Heart

The Bitcoin Dip Breaks Investors’ Heart

Bitcoin is one of the main subjects of March 2018, but not in a positive way. Even John Oliver decided to discuss Bitcoin in its show, which confirms the high level of interest for the most popular cryptocurrency. The main issue that puts Bitcoin in the center of attention is

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    John Oliver and Bitcoin in 2018

John Oliver and Bitcoin in 2018

When an Uber driver asks you if he could invest in Bitcoin, you definitely start to ask you questions. When a thing gets that huge amount of popularity and ordinary people, with absolutely no financial background or trading experience, are tempted to invest, then you realize what huge impact Bitcoin

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    Bitcoin Drops by More than 20%

Bitcoin Drops by More than 20%

Since March 5th 2018, the Bitcoin price had been heavily under pressure dropping by more than 20% in less than 5 days. We’ve mentioned in several weekly crypto analysis that this situation could take place and also that the Bitcoin leg up that started on February 6th 2018 is very

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