Crypto Frontline

Latest Regulation News at Crypto Frontline

    EU Regulation Now in the Spotlight

EU Regulation Now in the Spotlight

4.8 out of 5

Signs of cryptocurrency regulation are beginning to show up in the European as well. High-ranking officials are beginning to suggest that there is a growing interest in that matter. This follows after the US also showed signs it wants to regulate cryptocurrencies. Also, not just cryptocurrencies are being eyed, but

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    Could Regulation Have a Positive Impact?

Could Regulation Have a Positive Impact?

4.8 out of 5

The greatest fear cryptocurrency investors have in 2018 is related to regulation. Since the beginning of the year, all major cryptocurrencies had been down by more than 50 % from last year high and that shows the trust investors had is much lower, but also that the cryptocurrencies bubbles and

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    Signals of Cryptocurrency Regulation in the US

Signals of Cryptocurrency Regulation in the US

4.8 out of 5

The rumor of a cryptocurrency legislation framework in the United States becomes more and more realistic as members of the Congress are now speaking about this necessity, according to Reuters. What should be a worry for the cryptocurrency investors is the bipartisan momentum, since both Republican and Democratic Party members

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    Cryptocurrency Regulation in February 2018

Cryptocurrency Regulation in February 2018

4.8 out of 5

The hottest subject of the year 2018 is by far represented by cryptocurrency regulation. All major cryptocurrencies had slumped by more than 50 % since the beginning of 2018 and one of the main drivers of the move had been the fear of regulation that could potentially harm the development

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    South Korean Regulators Don’t See Cryptocurrencies as an Actual Currency

South Korean Regulators Don’t See Cryptocurrencies as an Actual Currency

4.8 out of 5

Many citizens in the world desire for bitcoins to be used as an actual currency, but regulators from South Korea do not see this happening anytime soon. Cryptocurrency is currently one of the most famous technological advancements brought about by the power of social media. However, according to the Financial

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    Thinking About Trading Bitcoin from India? Think Again…

Thinking About Trading Bitcoin from India? Think Again…

4.8 out of 5

You might be attracted to invest in cryptocurrencies and ICOs as their values surge. As they make a buzz in today’s world, so do speculations and reviews about them. In India, cryptocurrencies are starting to make its way to the regulatory boards’ knowledge. The boards are starting to look at

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    Malaysia’s Central Bank Issues Draft Cryptocurrency Regulations

Malaysia’s Central Bank Issues Draft Cryptocurrency Regulations

4.8 out of 5

It has been reported that just last Thursday, Malaysia’s central bank had issued draft regulations for business transactions on digital currencies. However, it has been cleared that these currencies are still not legal tender in the country. The draft of guidelines has been issued for public consultation. The said guidelines

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    Physical Crypto Coins and Regulation

Physical Crypto Coins and Regulation

4.8 out of 5

You’ve probably already find out more about physical crypto coins from our previous materials. If you don’t, please feel free to check them now. Even though the whole idea of crypto currency makes to think about digital stuff, there are some people that managed to create physical crypto currencies, some

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    Singapore Authorities Warns Investors From Cryptocurrencies

Singapore Authorities Warns Investors From Cryptocurrencies

4.8 out of 5

SINGAPORE – The Monetary Authority of Singapore or MAS warns the public about investing in cryptocurrencies despite its escalation in value. Cryptocurrencies are making a boom in the field of virtual finance, and many investors have been attracted to invest in such because of the value surge that it provides.

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